ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted
TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene
ad ogni singolo autore
The poems are published in order of arrival
Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo
la barca sobre la ola agridulce,
un atardecer tibio
y el reflejo de una luna esquiva
nunca vista
el aroma del alma risueña
sobre un viento ululante,
una piel de sueños abrigados
y la noche estrellada de van Gogh
las palabras de miel
sobre las de acero,
un silencio de manos abiertas,
y la música de la lluvia agradecida
la primera y la última lágrima
sobre la mirada del papel blanco,
un regazo aventurero
y un adiós lleno lleno de papirolas.
Alejandra Miranda (Argentina)
ALEJANDRA MIRANDA (La Paz, Entre Ríos, Argentina)
Artista visual desde 1985, ha participado en numerosas exhibiciones de arte colectivas e individuales. Escribe desde 1990, ha recibido algunas menciones y premios. Publica su obra en las redes. Representante en Argentina del movimiento IMMAGINE&POESIA (Turín, Italia)
INSTAGRAM @alejandramiranda179
Сомненьям многим вопреки,
Или сама, как яркий сон,
С небес опустит свет столбом.
Луна, владычица морей,
Ветров, погоды и людей.
Ее задумчивый полет,
Ход времени иной дает.
Она и сфера, серпа свет,
Встречает утренний рассвет,
Но может ли такое быть,
Чтоб неба тот бриллиант забыть?
Kabishev Alexander Konstantinovich (K.A.K.)
#dylanday 2024
Kabishev Alexander Konstantinovich (K.A.K.), a poet and writer, an artist of a new direction in literature and art - choism, founder and head of the international creative and cultural project "DEMO GOG", editor-in-chief of the magazine "HUMANITY". (Russia, the city of St. Petersburg).
In the Night-glow
for Dylan Thomas
The moon-fountain sparkles
good old days of magenta dreams,
Red-pink-white passion-trends
tarnish-toughen to lose composure
in burnt sienna grounded reality,
In bored couple’s minds
run thoughts of murder-black
Vermillion swans dance
with lovers searching eager eyes
of love-pining , love-fulfilled ,
then follow the mermaids
narrating lives of love’s sour-yells
Finally, as sea waves kiss
the natural, circular shine,
poise settles
into written masterpieces
of literary sea
of golden - immortality.
Vatsala Radhakeesoon, Mauritius
Vatsala Radhakeesoon is a Mauritian writer/poet and an artist. She is the author of various poetry-books. She is also into abstract Art and illustration of children’s poetry and stories.
The Moon in the Clown
Yes, I am masking my many selves,
spinning off my tricks, acrobatic, tripping
freewheels into space
In truth, I am more Harlequin than clown,
painted many colours, a trickster
conjuring emotions,
juggling words - see
where they fall
And I can keep many things
in the air at once,
And I can whistle the music
of the spheres in every key,
without dropping a beat
The sky is my stave,
I am hanging my notes
from the stars,
on a clear night,
you can hear them
Rebecca Lowe, Swansea, South Wales
Rebecca Lowe is a poet, singer and freelance writer, from Swansea, South Wales. She has
two published collections, ‘Blood and Water’ (The Seventh Quarry) and ‘Our Father Eclipse’
(Culture Matters). She enjoys playing Celtic music on the hammered dulcimer. You can find
her music on YouTube @BeckyLoweSwansea.
The raging queen
The shining queen of the night is raging
Because she is all alone.
Her servants, the stars, barely like her
And they think they are more beautiful than her
Without her, the night would be empty
She is supreme on the sky
But lonely... on a whole sky.
Her adorable sun doesn't like the night
And so, all the time, they are separated
His shining armor can be seen during the day
And her shining crown can be seen at night.
She is raging... she is shining for lovers
But not for her beloved sun.
Why others are happy, laughing in her face?
That's why she is so cold... without love
An impossible love between day and night.
Only wolves understand her loneliness
And she hears them howling.
Only when she becomes a full moon
She becomes one with the sun.
Bogdana Găgeanu
Bogdana Găgeanu is a Romanian poetess and playwright. She published two books of poetry.
Her poetry was published in many international magazines and anthologies and was even heard
at international radios. She even wrote a script for a short movie.
Show me the way your trail
to find,
you are the moon that lights
my sky.
Pave the path
with leaves and twigs,
your tracks that I may find
in the morning mist.
The stars above
I shall request
a rosary on your arms
to rest
and fate’s law to bequest,
that you may always
lightly tread
while Angels smile
on your sweet head
…and when my way home at night
I find
your body’s touch sets me alight!
Rania Angelakoudi
Rania Angelakoudi was born in Kronaberg Sweden where she spends plenty of her time. Her studies in English Literature and
language helped her to meet the international Poets in combination with the Greeks. Her poems taking part in international and national anthologies and
competitions this offered her significant awards. Some of the most important are:
Ιn2015 under the auspices of the Italian
Ministry of culture based in Ancona. She was awarded in a special ceremony in Museo della citta and she is the unique Poetess in
Greece who has received that honour. She has nominated as the ‘Icon for World Peace’ in November 2016 for the devotion of her penwork to peace. Later in January 2017 she was titled Peace Ambassador at large for Greek and Swedish
Branches for World Institute for Peace global organization. She has contributed work to a number of national and international Collections
肃筠,Su Yun,China
A Ballad of the Sixteenth Moon
I touch with the tip of my pen,
Playing the song of lunar strings
Snuffing out the candle of jealousy,
Halting the abrupt descent of a flame.
Awaiting the dew to hang a single pearl,
I strum again, leave a mark
Fusing with my blood,
Flowing into the brush softly.
Many nights as a violinist,
Adjusting to the wind's humorous,
Dispelling the sorrow of the rain's loss,
Into the river flows the moon's gloss.
Not curled like the autumn leaves,
Nor swirling like the river deceives.
This stream is lively and free,
Purifying the night's impurity.
With the clarity flowing into dawn's light,
Flowing to the players, piper...
肃筠,Su Yun,China
Chen Ruizhe, pseudonym Su Yun, 16 years old, member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a young poet, works scattered in Chinese and foreign newspapers.
Seeks the smell of the sky and poetry
(Dedication: Dylan Thomas)
Some nights, even a single drop of sleep does not touch these wounded eyes.
The countless sleeps of the world seem to have vanished into the air.
Alone in this rainy city Walking is a connection, a private refuge.
A handful of moonlight is in the gap between the high buildings in the distance.
Sometimes it melts. At midnight, the sky looks blank.
There is intense fire in the eyes, as if the sky is looking for the smell of poetry.
Adhikari, Roni (Bangladesh)
Roni Adhikari is a poet, writer and Journalist. Besides the editor of two little magazines and assistant editor for thenewspaper The Swadeshpratidin, Bangladesh. He has published six books : poetry short stories and research.
La Luna viene adorata / da strani individui
dal tetto di una rustica villa.
La Luna influisce / sulle vivaci onde del mare .
La Luna si riflette / sulla fauna marina
e negl ' incubi di una dama inquietata.
Una donna , nel buio delle tenebre , / ricerca disperatamente
la Luna .
Gianni Donaudi ( Imperia )
Gianni Donaudi è nato e vive a due passi dal porto di Oneglia, Imperia, non distante dalla casa in cui, nel 1846, nacque il celebre Edmondo de Amicis, autore del libro "Cuore". Come il grande scrittore ha vissuto molti anni a Torino, lavorando in fabbrica, dopo una vita avventurosa passata sulle navi da carico transoceaniche. Gianni Donaudi ha collaborato sin dagli anni settanta con molte associazioni letterarie e culturali, è poeta, autore di racconti e articoli giornalistici, nonché appassionato di Mail Art (Arte Postale).