ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene

ad ogni singolo autore


The poems are published in order of arrival

Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

Zlatan Demirović, USA/ Bosnia and Herzegovina





to Dylan Thomas, the visionary dreamer


On the top of the hill,

there is a crystal house 

with a golden dome.


Full of exotic birds

with ornate feathers

croaking all at the same time 

one and only  tune.


Easley accepted tune

by sleepy neighbors, 

living all around.


We can learn about flock mentality

based on facts we see around,

while the cloud of birds 

turn into just one being.


But, nobody knows, 

where the magic tune is coming from,

as it turns the quiet sea

into the wild ocean flooding islands 

without mercy or condolences.


Tweeting mantra of one tone

bestowed by a secret force 

enriches leaders of the flock

with bright golden feathers.


All the birds and fishes 

and all other species,

have to listen to this sound

which help them to end… 

…in the middle of nowhere…


So, enjoy to live in dreams,

daily fantasies, your only matrix,

go ahead and  live in your 

Fantasy Island!


©® Zlatan Demirović




 Zlatan Demirović, USA

Bilingual book writer, novelist, critic, internationally acknowledged poet, and trilingual translator (English, Czech, Bosnian-Croatian-Serbin languages).The founder of:


Aleksandra Vujisić, Podgorica  Montenegro

"Does your soul live with you?"


Does your soul live with you?


It is dark. The night is losing its battle against the eternity,

although it’s never giving in.

I was trying to switch off the moonlight, and take off

today’s colorful skin.

Because beneath there is a memory of never-ending night

that started with a fool moon.

Because beneath there are tricky memories ending like

a good movie - just too soon.

It is dark. My fingers can’t touch your face so that

I know that you are here.

It is dark, and I can’t feel your love anywhere near.

Maybe it is like a candle, and I would love it to be a star.

Maybe, but this is better - too much light might illuminate the scar.

It is dark. The night is losing its battle against the eternity,

and the sea is no longer blue. It would be good to just

wish you good night, but I wonder - does your soul live with you?


Aleksandra Vujisić

Podgorica, Montenegro





Aleksandra Lekić Vujisić (Podgorica, Montenegro) is an English professor and an award-winning writer and poet. She writes in her native language and English, and her work has been translated into Italian, Spanish, Polish and Chinese language. She is an author of four books. 

IRMA KURTI, Albania/Italy








One evening we were walking

by the lake, Mom. The swans

slipped slowly on its surface

in the soft light of the sunset.

The moon reflected its pallor

there and on your tired face.



But you’re no longer here.

The moon runs away, and in

the waves, it gets lost with

your beautiful portrait and

the memory of that night. I

dip my hands in the water:

between my fingers, I hold

and caress your image now.







From the slots of the roller shutter

the moon’s fragments come through,

penetrating my mind, where

some shadowy areas light up.



Sleep escapes me. This night

was going to belong to us two . . .

But I’m alone, in this giant bed,

mixed with the light of the moon.






IRMA KURTI is an Albanian poet, writer, lyricist, journalist, and translator and has been writing since she was a child. She is a naturalized Italian and lives in Bergamo, Italy. Kurti has won numerous literary prizes and awards in Albania, Italy, Switzerland, USA, Philippines, Lebanon and China. In 2023 she was awarded a Career Award from the Universum Academy Switzerland. She also won the prestigious 2023 Naji Naaman's literary prize for complete work.

Irma Kurti has published 29 books in Albanian, 24 in Italian, 15 in English, and two in French.  She has also translated 20 books by different authors, and all of her own books into Italian and English. Irma Kurti is one of the most translated and published Albanian poets. Her books have been translated and published in 16 countries.



Dana Neri, UK/Italy

"Full (broken) moon"


Full (broken) moon


The moon is shattered tonight,

completely fractured.

A full broken moon.

Beneath its pearly-petal appearance,

we blossom and fade,

bound and liberated by our burdens.



Dana Neri


Dana Neri works as an Editor for Barnebys Magazine, a magazine specializing in Art and Design. She has published books of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, and since 2018, she has been a member of the Society of Authors. [Link: https://www.barnebys.com/blog/authors/daniela-neri]

"Otto poesie immolate alla Luna"/"Cenere di luna"/"La luna che per te è piena e serena"


Otto poesie immolate alla Luna


Otto poesie

una per ogni ora della notte,

esposte alla Luna,

come cherubini michelangioleschi,

come bestie sacrificali.

Otto poesie bianche come marmo,

pure come neve,

che si scioglieranno

non appena sorgerà il sole.



Cenere di luna


Mi sono caricata di cenere:

tutta sulle mie spalle

di donna non certo alta e non troppo tozza.

Mi sono caricata di cenere

e ho sperato che, per una sola notte,

il vento dormisse.

E il vento ha dormito, come speravo.

E io ho fumato

una sigaretta grigia come questa luna,

bianca come l'attesa,

friabile come frammenti di silenzio

fra le dita.


La luna che per te è piena e serena


La luna che per te è piena e serena

per me ha la forma di un'unghia con la gobba a ponente.

Mentre tu mi abbracci, lei mi graffia con una carezza inclemente



Dana Neri




Dana Neri lavora come Editor per il Barnebys Magazine, una rivista online specializzata in Arte e Design. Ha pubblicato libri di fiction, saggistica e poesia e dal 2018 è membro della Society of Authors. [Link: https://www.barnebys.it/blog/autore/daniela-neri]

Eldar Akhadov - Эльдар Ахадов  Azerbaijan/Russia

Moon and guitar - Луна и гитара


Луна и гитара


Обрезок луны, как лезвие, остр

И ярок.

Свеча. Гитарист. Рыдающий воск.


Ликующий день! И меркнет луна...


Лишь где-то дрожит шестая струна -

От плача...


Moon and guitar


The cut of the moon is like a blade, sharp

And bright.

Candle. Guitar player. Weeping wax.


A jubilant day! And the moon fades...


Only somewhere the sixth string trembles -

From crying...


Eldar Akhadov 





Eldar Akhadov was born in Baku, Azerbaijan. He lives in Eastern Siberia, Russia. Poet and prose writer, literary researcher. Winner of literary awards in Russia, Germany, and Italy.

Mariela Cordero, Venezuela

"Nada sabía tu cuerpo"



Nada sabía tu cuerpo


La luna emergió en un cielo 

apenas divisible

de las oscuras aguas.


Su aparición

agitó las entrañas del océano.


Un nombre comenzó 

a ser murmurado


en el rumor del oleaje


Nada sabía de esto

tu cuerpo tendido sobre la arena,

cerca de la orilla

siendo rozado por la salobre humedad.


Nada sabía

tu cuerpo

 y  sin embargo,

cambiaba el ritmo

de las olas.


Mariela Cordero, Venezuela



Mariela Cordero

Poeta. Escritora. Artista visual. Traductora.

Coordinadora de Poesía Internacional en Revista Poémame (España)



Nothing knew your body


The moon emerged in a sky

barely divisible

from the dark waters.


Its appearance

agitated the bowels of the ocean.


A name began

to be murmured


in the murmur of the waves


Nothing knew

your body lying on the sand,

near the shore

being brushed by the salty humidity.


Nothing knew

your body

 and yet,

it changed the rhythm

of the waves.


Mariela Cordero (Venezuela)


Mariela Cordero (Venezuela): Poet. Writer. Visual artist. Translator.

Poémame Magazine International Poetry Coordinator (Spain).



Monsif Beroual - Morocco

"Love is …. The moonlight"


and how much I desired to look into your eyes to reach the moonlight;

with a littte of poetry


Love is …. The moonlight


Into your eyes

I see the world’s pain,

I see the galaxy just reborn within the smoke

And am there standing, fading within your soul.

I feel the pain and the pleasure at the same time,

Take me down

So; carry me on while you breathe.

Collect my pieces one by one

To feel alive while your soul dives,

Scatter my sins,

And cross my body shape.

Make me alive,

beautiful as your soul reflects into the moon’s light.


 Monsif Beroual

Taza City.










Monsif Beroual - Morocco - is a  multi-awarded and internationally renowned poet, 

his poems have been translated into 11 languages and published in more than 300 international anthologies and magazines. is a  multi-awarded and internationally renowned poet,

his poems have been translated into 11 languages and published in more than 300 international anthologies and magazines.