Music for DYLANDAY 2024



Оливер Глигоров, Северна Македонија - Oliver Gligorov, North Macedonia

Трага по уништена месечина- Search for a destroyed moon




Oliver Gligorov

Од Северна Македонија

Роден во градот Струмица

Музичар, Композитор, Поет.


Oliver Gligorov

From North Macedonia

Born in the city of Strumica

Musician, Composer, Poet.

Bob Rocket, Italy



Un viaggio quasi ai confini del sistema solare, sulla luna ghiacciata di Saturno, Encelado. Un satellite composto da uno strato di ghiaccio ed un mare in pressione sotto ad esso, da cui vengono sparate enormi quantità d'acqua e amminoacidi, per mezzo di Geyser, direttamente nel vuoto cosmico. Una volta raggiunta la luna di Saturno entriamo in un mondo onirico e di immaginazione. Purtroppo non siamo ancora in grado di viaggiare personalmente fino a la, ma sicuramente la fantasia ci permette di andare ovunque. Un salto nell'iperspazio e via, verso nuovi confini, della mente e del cosmo e chissà, che non siano entrambe la stessa cosa

Credits: Etichetta: ℗ & © Sounzone


Musica di Bob Rocket

Voce dell'astrofisico Prof. Amedeo Balbi

Produzione artistica di Ale Bavo

Video: Creato da Gabriele Pastè 3D Generalist

Mixato da Ale Bavo

Masterizzato da Giovanni “Meniak” Nebbia, Ithil World Mastering, Imperia

Etichetta: ℗ & © Sounzone 2021


Ufficio stampa: Astarte, Camilla Caldarola


Distribuito da Artist First (A1 Entertainment S.p.A.)



Bob Rocket, a.k.a. Ermanno Capirone, began his cosmic tour in Turin (Italy), in 2019.

Since he began composing, he has always liked the idea of discovering which kind of music could exist out there in the cosmic vastness, and with this project he decided to find an answer, creating audio environments that make listeners dive infinitely deep inside and infinitely far in space and time.

His dream is to surpass the limits of a mere genre, allowing the listeners to entwine their own experience with the musical flow and their introspective explorations. 

Ирина Шульгина - Irina Shulgina, Russia

"Счастливая мама"

Счастливая мама · Ирина Шульгина 


Morning again over the field, strawberries in dew,
My hands smell of mint and bread.
Mom, my childhood will be bathed in milk,
Dissolving the pain of separation in it.


And a happy mother looks her son in the eyes,
And a happy mother will hug her daughter.
As if the rays of the sun will pierce the heavens,
Mom is happy with them.


Again the starry sky embraces the moon,
Whispers a kind gentle fairy tale.
Mom will wake up spring with a gentle song,
There is love and affection in my heart.



And a happy mother looks her son in the eyes,
And a happy mother will hug her daughter.
As if the rays of the sun will pierce the heavens,
Mom is happy with them.


Irina Shulgina - Ирина Шульгина 




Шульгина Ирина Валентиновна - Заслуженный работник культуры Красноярского края. Солистка Красноярского государственного ансамбля песни "КрасА" краевой филармонии. Руководитель семейного ансамбля "СЁСТРЫ ". Почётный деятель литературы и искусства Международной Академии литературы и искусства ЛИК (Германия). Академик Петровской академии наук и искусств. Академик международной академии развития литературы и искусства. Академик Международной академии литературы и искусства ЛИК. Член Интернационального союза писателей. Член Союза писателей Северной Америки и МАРЛИ. Член союза композиторов-песенников Красноярского края. Автор более 300 песен в разных жанрах и гимнов! Представитель Федерации мирового сообщества культуры и искусства Сингапура. Международнй посол бренда Noel Lorenz House of Fiction Малайзии...

Irina Shulgina (Russia). Poet, composer, singer and vocal teacher.  Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts.  Academician of the International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art.

 Author of more than 300 poems, songs in different genres and hymns.  Representative of the Federation of the world community of culture and art of Singapore. 

Fabrizio Sandretto, Italy

Ludwig van BEETHOVEN - Sonata in do diesis minore, op 27, n 2 “Al chiaro di luna” Adagio sostenuto



Fabrizio Sandretto

nato a Torino il 5/11/1980

(non vedente dalla nascita)

Nel 2010 ha conseguito il diploma di Pianoforte come privatista al Conservatorio "G.F. Ghedini" di Cuneo.

Presso il medesimo Istituto, al termine del "biennio universitario" successivo al Diploma, nel marzo 2014 ha conseguito il dottorato in Musicologia "Specialità Pianoforte", sotto la guida del maestro Francesco Cipolletta. Ad oggi annovera oltre170 concerti. In ultimo al Teatro Regio di Torino e la registrazione per RAI 3. Nel 2021 ha ottenuto l’unicità: è l’unico pianista concertista di classica cieco d’Italia. Si interessa inoltre di lingue: tre libri tradotti dal giapponese ed uno dal tedesco.



Enrica Merlo, Italy






Composizione sulle molteplici facce della luna che sono si due ma che, a seconda delle fasi lunari possono essere anche più di una. La luna ha un forte potere su di noi. Mi piace pensare che un lato dolce e uno più possente possano dare vita in musica a tante sfumature caratteriali. Brano eseguito con l'arpa celtica Audrey. Questo brano partecipa a RAGING MOON 2024 https://ragingmoon-dylanthomas2024.ji... progetto di Immagine Poesia per cui ringrazio la dolce Lidia Chiarelli che mi ha coinvolta. Spero il brano possa rendere l'idea della dolcezza, della forza e di un ritorno di una dolcezza ma dal carattere nuovo.


* Composition on the multiple faces of the moon which are two but which, depending on the phases of the moon, can also be more than one. The moon has a strong power over us. I like to think that a sweet side and a more powerful side can give life to many nuances of character in music. Song playing with my Celtic Harp Audrey. This song participates in RAGING MOON 2024 https://ragingmoon-dylanthomas2024.ji... Immagine Poesia project for which I thank the sweet Lidia Chiarelli who involved me. I hope the song can convey the idea of sweetness, strength and a return of a sweetness but with a new character.


* Chi è Dylan Thomas * «Non andartene docile in quella buona notte, / vecchiaia dovrebbe ardere e infierire quando cade il giorno; / infuria, infuria contro il morire della luce.»



* #EnricaMerloLyre_Harp #celticharp #arpaceltica #Audrey🎼 #enricamerlow #DylanThomas #immaginepoesia #ragingmoon #daivalorealtuovalore #lartevapagata #artriteallemani #suonareconlartrite #maiarrendersi #mycomposition


Robert Lloyd, Australia

"Set Fire to the Stars"



Internationally celebrated composer poet Robert Lloyd started his International career with New York  choreographer Molissa Fenley, writing music for her ballet "Feral"  with Ohio Ballet in 1986.
Since that time he has published 2 books of poetry  "Black Guitar " and "Time/Being/Time" with Little Fox Press in Melbourne as well as many performances of his poem songs In NYC, London, Jakarta, Melbourne and Sydney. Currently his new book Ecstatic Sound is looking for a publisher

Rafa Bocero, Spain

"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"




Cantautor y productor formado en estudios de Filosofía Pura.

Recorre diferentes comarcas poéticas y musicales de culturas propias y ajenas sin dejar nunca de ser él mismo,

como evidencian sus proyectos Troubadour Songs y FemeXicanaS donde ha puesto música a lo mejor de la poesía en inglés y mexicana y en esta última en su ámbito femenino.
O el proyecto internacional Fado Is World Music donde adapta al español Fados clásicos...

En 1995 realizó su primer concierto  y en 2006 hizo su debut discográfico con el álbum “Esencia”, gracias al apoyo de su padrino, el legendario guitarrista Vicente Amigo.


Lynn's Original Music (Lynn Porter), UK


 Based upon 'In My Craft Or Sullen Art' which I chose because of Dylan's sense of humour about it. In the poem a writer writes under the moon on spindrift pages. But he says don't believe everything you hear, I write in the afternoon like anybody else. He had a cracking sense of humour. Another reason for this choice is that one summer's evening in Laugharne I watched the moon rise behind the castle. The image stuck with me because I then did a sketch which I've kept for maybe thirty years or more. There is also a special quality and feeling about Laugharne at twilight on a calm summer's evening. On a backdrop of silence comes the curlews call. Magical.

Finally, the song is about loss of mobility. Something I've felt keenly this last year. In fact that's how it started out, then I thought of Dylan - what he lost by leaving behind Laugharne. The little beach below the house, the river and the sea, the quiet, the laughter. Everything.





Lynn Porter

Retired former lecturer and head of sciences with a life long interest in the arts. I live in Pembrokeshire with Swansea, Laugharne, New Quay and Fishguard nearby. One of my hobbies is to write songs.

Norbert Oldani, Usa

“Fusion #2”

“Fusion #2 is a combination of two very different styles of music, “Ambient and “Neoclassic”. The Neoclassic is a direct quote of the first hymn in “Hymns and Responses for the church year” by
Vincent Persichetti. I scored the hymn for string section.




Norbert Oldani (USA) is a retired math teacher and a composer. Born in Detroit , Michigan, USA and presently living in Utica, New York.

He still improvises on the piano despite his  87 years of age and still composes electronic music but no longer gives public lectures about it.

Jean-Luc Dancy, France

"En regardant la lune"



Jean-Luc Dancy est un auteur-compositeur-interprète et poète francophone originaire du Forez (Massif Central). C´est en Grande Bretagne qu’il a passé la plus grande partie de sa vie active, principalement comme inspecteur des postes londoniennes et consultant pour l´Union Postale Universelle. Ce n´est qu’à partir de la quarantaine qu´il a décidé de se consacrer à la chanson et à la poésie écrite. Entre 1996 et 2017, il s’est produit plusieurs centaines de fois en public et dans plusieurs pays, chantant Brel, Brassens, Bécaud, Aznavour, Ferrat…ainsi que ses propres compositions. Jean-Luc a publié plusieurs recueils de poésie depuis 2016. “À la croisée des destins”, paru en avril 2024, contient un nombre de nouvelles et récits en prose - une forme littéraire vers laquelle il se dirige de plus en plus. Jean-Luc Dancy a vécu dans plusieurs pays européens et parle couramment six langues. Il vit actuellement dans le nord-ouest de l´Allemagne.