ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted
TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene
ad ogni singolo autore
The poems are published in order of arrival
Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo
Do not go raging into that dark night ~
(to Dylan Thomas)
Do not go raging into that dark night
The butchers are at work they’ll do all right
War is the vilest slot-machine of all
These are black times we live in, there’s no light
Men, women, children crammed in headlong flight
Death leads the dance, doles out hell’s carnival
The sages rage as they can’t help at all
Do not go raging into that dark night
These are black times we live in, there’s no light
To die in our due season comes to all
Getting out early is another call
Do not go raging into that dark night
These are black times we live in, there’s no light
The earth is ruled by ruthless men of might
Where does a window open to the light?
Do not go raging into that dark night
These are black times we live in, there’s no light
A mother’s hand, a brother’s hand, hold tight,
Climb up the height, to where the sky is bright…
Do not go raging into that dark night.
Trans. Par Timothy Ades
N’entre pas sans douceur dans cette sombre nuit
(à Dylan Thomas)
N’entre pas sans douceur dans cette sombre nuit
Les bouchers sont à l’œuvre et ils font des affaires
La pire machine à sous est celle de la guerre
Les temps que nous vivons sont noirs et rien ne luit
Hommes, femmes, enfants se bousculent, s’enfuient
La mort mène le bal et distribue l’enfer
Et les sages ragent de ne pouvoir rien faire
N’entre pas sans douceur dans cette sombre nuit
Les temps que nous vivons sont noirs et rien ne luit
Mourir quand en vient l’heure, c’est le sort ordinaire
Mais devancer l’appel, une tout autre affaire
N’entre pas sans douceur dans cette sombre nuit
Les temps que nous vivons sont noirs et rien ne luit
Car des hommes violents règnent sur la Terre
Où est donc la fenêtre ouvrant vers la lumière ?
N’entre pas sans douceur dans cette sombre nuit.
Les temps que nous vivons sont noirs et rien ne luit
Prends la main de la mère et prends la main du frère
Montons sur la hauteur, là-bas le ciel s’éclaire…
N’entre pas sans douceur dans cette sombre nuit.
Francis Combes
Février 2024
Francis Combes, né à Marvejols en Lozère, est un poète et éditeur français
Francis Combes a aussi une activité de journaliste, de critique et d’essayiste et a été, pendant les années d’existence du journal, l'un des rédacteurs d'Aujourd'hui poème. Il écrit aussi régulièrement dans La Revue Commune, qui a pris la suite de Commune d’avant guerre, qui était l'hebdomadaire de l'Association des écrivains et artistes révolutionnaires. Il tient, avec Patricia Latour, une chronique hebdomadaire dans L'Humanité. Poète membre du mouvement "POETS OF THE PLANET".
Il vento che oggi
il ciuffo ti scompiglia e disperde l’eco
di una strana conchiglia,
potrà cullarti piano sulle sue ali leggere
o soffiare lontano sussurrando chimere...
Ma, come i mandorli a primavera,
saprai svegliarti prima di sera
e scoprirai giusto al tramonto
di essere cosa di poco conto!
Allungherai le dita per afferrare la luna
e ti preverrà la vita demolendo la tua duna.
Ma un dì vedrai i gabbiani ridere di te, te
che la noia allontani sorseggiando un caffè.
Ti specchierai nel nero per ritrovar la forza,
dal fondo di una tazza, di rimanere vero!
E allora, solo allora, tu sfiderai la bora
e ciò che ti travaglia!
Scivolano ora i miei pensieri come sabbia tra le dita,
neanche lo specchio riflette i miei segreti,
d’ora in poi farò la sfinge a vita!
Contemplo la luna ed il suo alone di magia
raccolgo nella notte la polvere del giorno
poi lenta mi assopisco con la mia nostalgia
sconfitta dalla fretta di un bel sogno.
E domani, domani io mi sveglierò.
riaprirò gli occhi su quella chimera
e continuerò a sentirmi un pierrot
parlando con la luna quando è sera!
Si aggira nelle sale d’attesa degli ospedali,
nello strazio di un addio,
sulle banchine risuona
sulle panchine non è nuova.
Abita le fronde di una quercia,
scorre nelle note stridule
del canto dell’upupa…
Presenza forte e tangibile
nel gesto estremo,
nella voce che si strozza,
nelle memorie dell’orgoglio.
Non ha dame di compagnia.
Assolo è il suo inno,
bianco il suo abito,
lungo lo sguardo
“d’in su la vetta della torre antica”.
Non cinguetta, ammalia,
morde l’anima del viandante,
turba il riso della massaia.
Solitudine è il suo nome,
l’ubiquità il suo talento,
affratella gli stranieri,
le vedove e i preti,
il ramo e le foglie,
la rete e i pesci,
la luna e il sole.
Felpato è il suo passo,
Bianco il suo abito.
testi tratti da La sfinge e il pierrot: una voce in due tempi- Aletti 2011
Claudia Piccinno is a teacher, poet and translator, she lives and teaches in the north of Italy.
She has been the Continental Director for Europe in the World Festival Poetry from April 2019 to
september 2021, she represents Istanbul culture in Italy as Ambassador of Ist Sanat Art
Association. She was conferred with the most prestigious Ossi di seppia prize, 2020, Pannunzio
award- 2022, Literary Awards Naji Naaman Prize 2018, The light of Galata, Turkey 2021, Sahitto
International Jury Award, Bangladesh 2021, AAZAAD INTERNATIONAL AWARD IN POETRY,
India 2021, Aco Karamanov festival in Radovish,Macedonia,2021. European editor for the
international literary magazine Papirus in Turkey and for Atunis Magazine international.
She was conferred with a civic honorary prize for cultural merits in 2019 in Castel Maggiore(Bo)
She is responsible for poetry in the Italian magazine called Gazzetta of Istanbul, printed in Turkey
by the Italian community. She writes for e-magazine and literature newspapers such as Menabò,
Verbumpress, Il Porticciolo, Circolare poesia, Le finestre dell'irregolare.
About her poetry a collection of essay was published by Armando Iadeluca
title: In ordine sparso, Il cuscino di stelle, 2020
Pianeta Donna di Domenico Pisana, ediz. Kimerik,2022
Sometimes obscured or veiled,
sometimes light in the darkness,
is the moon at night.
She briefly heals the eye
wounded by the excess of images
of harm and injustice
and by the despair in the gaze
of a ragged child.
Germain Droogenbroodt
from The Road of Being,
Southern Arizona Press
Germain Droogenbroodt (Belgium) is an internationally known poet. He is also translator, publisher and promoter of international poetry. He wrote short
stories and literary reviews, but mainly poetry, so far 16 poetry books, published in 30 countries. He received more than a dozen international poetry prizes. (and has been recommended for the
Nobel Prize of Literature)
La Luna
Mi avvicino alla finestra
della stanza solitaria e
con la mano formo un cerchio
sul vetro appannato
per meglio vedere fuori
Le fioche luci dei lampioni
illuminano appena il viale deserto
dove un gatto randagio
è in cerca di un rifugio
e le foglie degli ontani
sembrano tremare nel vento
Giungono da lontano
rumori di auto
che vanno e vengono
la luna dalla grande tela
diffonde la sua luce bianca
E nel silenzio
veglia sui sogni degli uomini
Quanti segreti conserva
di noi qui
sulla terra e
delle nostre vite
notte dopo notte
con rotazione sincrona
mai stanca
di seguire l'ordine celeste
ancora e ancora
@ Maria Miraglia
Maria Miraglia è una poetessa bilingue, saggista e traduttrice. Laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere, è membro dell'Accademia Europea delle Scienze e delle Arti di Strasburgo, di numerose associazioni internazionali di scrittori e comitati editoriali, direttrice letteraria dell'Associazione Culturale P. Neruda e presidente di Fondazione Mondiale per la Pace. Miraglia è nata e vive in Italia ma si considera cittadina del mondo e considera la sua arte poetica un mezzo per costruire ponti tra le genti, rompere le barriere e abbattere preconcetti. Apprezzata da tempo sul palcoscenico letterario contemporaneo, ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti. Le sue poesie, che dipingono la vita con molti colori, sono presenti in oltre cento anrologie e riviste internazionali.Tra i suoi titoli più recenti Polvere di Stelle,opera bilingue e Farfalle Colorate edita anche in lingua inglese.
The moon
was bewitched by the guilt of the innocent... Pale-faced,
looked like a full-faced priestess...
pour her a glass of wine!
Am I dreaming or is this reality?
Couples dancing with lust,
The smoke billows like a gray eclipse,
Silently taking power from the moon...
Oh, no! The wine is to blame,
In Eden - splashing love, the almighty...
And the girl, beautiful herself ...
All these songs are for her alone!
fu stregata dalla colpa degli innocenti... Pallida,
sembrava una sacerdotessa dalla faccia piena...
versale un bicchiere di vino!
Sto sognando o è questa la realtà?
Coppie che ballano con passione,
Il fumo fluttua come un'eclissi grigia,
Silenziosamente prendendo il potere dalla luna...
Oh, no! Il vino è da biasimare,
In Eden-versando amore, l'onnipotente...
E la ragazza, così bella ...
Tutte queste canzoni sono solo per lei!
Виной безвинною луна
заворожила... Бледнолицая,
взглянула полноликой жрицею...
Плесните ей бокал вина!
Мне снится или это явь?
Танцуют пары с вожделением,
Клубится дым седым затмением,
С луною власть безмолвно взяв...
Ах нет! Вино тому виной,
В Эдэм - любви плеснув, всевластное...
И девушка, собой прекрасная...
Все эти песни ей одной!
Натали Биссо
Natalie Bisso
NATALIE BISSO is a poet, novelist, essayist and composer. Author of 13 collective anthologies, co-author of over 180 international publications. Her poems have been translated into 40 languages and published in international anthologies. An important figure in the literature and arts of the world (recognized with a silver badge), she takes part in the literary life of different countries as an academic member of numerous associations and academies of arts and sciences around the world. A jury member in international competitions, she is regularly awarded important planetary awards - she has received more than 400 diplomas; awarded with international medals and orders, including under the auspices of UNESCO. She founded the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune", of which she is president.
Magique lune
Dans ta parfaite plénitude
Tu deviens roues
Transportant mon insomnie
Tu te fais nid de dentelle aux larmes
Comme hommage en stigmates
Aux chants d'appels esseulés
Tu es hymne argenté à la lenteur
Dans tes draps d'embruns
Prêts pour le crépuscule menstruel
De l'éveil et des naissances
Les cris de tes éclosions glissent
Sur l'huile de la nuit
Ce baume des renaissances d'eaux
Cache en leurs marées les masques dansants
Du jour dans le foetal parcours des couleurs
Florales mousses d'invites aux fusions
Embarquées pour le loup et la belle
Pourchassés dans leur ensorcelante nuit
© Mokhtar El Amraoui
Mokhtar El Amraoui est un poète tunisien d’expression française né à Mateur, en Tunisie. Il a publié quatre recueils. Le premier, en 2010, « Arpèges sur les ailes de mes ans », le second, en 2014, « Le souffle des ressacs » et les troisième et quatrième en 2019, successivement « Chante, aube, que dansent tes plumes ! » et « Dans le tumulte du labyrinthe ».
When the sun is faraway
and the stars’ light’s dispersed,
only beam of darkness
with beam of light, embrace each other
in impetuous game…
And the cold, pale, moon silently
watches him.
Silence is, suddenly, pierced by her voice.
“O, mad game, if you can,
instead of silence, uncertainty,
and instead of solitude, unrest give to me!
Anything you shall want ask of me,
if you will be able this prayer
to fulfill!”
“Uncertainty you ask of me?
Nothing is easier!
But I know, that as soon
as you experience uncertainty,
you will ask once again, for help.
I should give you then,
what I ask of you now!...”
Translated by Andrea Mocanu
ELENA LILIANA POPESCU (1948, Turnu Măgurele, Romania) is Doctor in Mathematics and Professor at the University of Bucharest, Romania. She is poet, translator and editor, member of the Writers’ Union of Romania and of Romanian PEN Centre. She has published more than 35 books, of poetry and translations from English, French and Spanish, both in Romania and abroad.
Moonrise at Vicuña月出駱馬城
Our car climbed to higher altitude
arriving at the high mountain
earlier than the first star.
Millions of stars are all present
still waiting for no full moon.
Some stars are sleeping
some stars have caught cold
some stars turned to blue.
Raise a campfire burnt to become the sun.
Drink red wine to warm the love in avoidance of drowsiness.
Oh, my Neruda,
has the moon already abandoned whole sky?
I am about to close my eyes
giving up to wait
wait for the abandoned moon
suddenly projecting out of the depression of distant mountains
a pure gold brilliant ray.
more and more stars are all crying.
Full moon illuminates
my ear that was cut by the crescent moon during my childhood.
Moonlight induces the poets to display inherent essence
in stretching their necks and opening their big bloody mouths.
The poets sound the wolf howls
shaking the valley at Vicuña.
Golden moon not swallowed by wolves
still guards
the dream in springtime at Vicuña.
(English Translation by Lee Kuei-shien)
Chen Hsiu-chen陳秀珍
born in Taiwan, graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature at Tamkang University. She has served as an editor for newspapers and magazines and is currently one of the editorial members of the “Li Poetry Society”. Her publications include the essay “A Diary About My Son, 2009”, the poetry collections “String Echo in Forest, 2010”, “Mask, 2018”, “Uncertain Landscape, 2017”, “Tamsui Poetry, 2018”, and “Bone Fracture, 2018”. Additionally, she has authored the trilingual work “Promise, 2017” in Mandarin, English, and Spanish, as well as the Mandarin-English piece “My Beloved Neruda, 2020”.
Confession Under the Moon
There are flowing clouds,
There are setting stars,
There is a boat rowing and flying away.
I return to that place,
When the old moon rises,
I confess my love.
(English Translation by Kang, Byeong-Cheol)
Poet Nguyen Dinh Tam, a former lecturer at Vietnam Maritime University and a member of the Vietnam Writers' Association, has had his poetry featured in literary magazines across 12 countries. He has published 18 poetry collections in various languages, including Vietnamese, Korean, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. His work has earned him seven awards, comprising four domestic and three international accolades