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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual poem is copyrighted


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni poesia appartiene

ad ogni singolo autore


The poems are published in order of arrival

Poesie pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

Carolyn Mary Kleefeld, Big Sur-California

"A Ripening Moon"



A Ripening Moon


The moon ripens before my eyes,

soaring over the ebony mountains,

casting a sacred spell.


Clouds part, exposing

her vulnerable beauty

in these timeless moments.


Below, the tides echo,

their edges lit

by her dancing beams.


And the moon’s white blossoms

flower the surf

as I peer down

from my stone tower

imbibing the wonder of creation.


 Carolyn Mary Kleefeld




Big Sur poet, prose-writer, and visual artist Carolyn Mary Kleefeld has her permanent art and

literary archive at the Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum at California

State University, Long Beach. www.carolynmarykleefeld.com, www.alchemyoracle.com

Mariko Sumikura, Japan

"The Moon of Como Lake"


The Moon of Como Lake



Once the Muse calls,

People gather in a place like little magnets

They’re poets


Here is Como lake, residence of poetry

People recite poems to the extent it's echoed

They’re poets


With a whole body  

People put the power of the words on a wave of sound

They’re poets


Night of a feast prolonged till late

People still feel waving by attaching poems

Then the moon stops in the middle of sky


They enjoyed a brief mingling

The moon of lake Como

Looks down at them with a beautiful smile











ここはコモ 詩の館

















 Mariko Sumikura is a poet, essayist, and translator. She was born in Kyoto in 1952 and graduated from Ritsumeikan University. She is the representative of the Japan Universal Poets Association and the Chief Editor of the online international journal Poetic-Bridge: Ama-Hashi. Her main publications include Kokoro Kaoru Hito, Yume Tsumugu Hito, Hikari Oru Hito and others. She has been invited to participate in several international poetry festivals, such as the 49th Struga Poetry Readings in 2011 and others. Her translations include Contemporary Poetry in and out of Japan, part of the JUNPA BOOKS Series. Mariko Sumikura has received several awards, including the European Academy of Science, Art, Letters International Poetry Award in 2020, the Milos Crnjanski Prize at the International Literature Festival in Vienna in 2017, the Naji Naaman Literary Prize (Honor) in 2018, and the first prize at the Pannonian Galeb Festival for her poetry book translated into Serbian in 2017, among others.




詩人、エッセイスト、翻訳家。1952年京都生れ。立命館大学文学部卒業。日本国際詩人協会代表。国際詩誌「詩の架け橋:天橋」編集主幹。主な著書:『心薫る女』『夢紡ぐ女』『光織る女』『愛装ふ女』『地抱く男』(いずれも竹林館)2010年第49回ストルーガ詩祭(ストルーガ、マケドニア)、2011年ヤン・スムレク国際文学祭(ブラティスラヴァ。スロバキア)、2015年コモ詩祭-Europa in Versi-(コモ、イタリア)、2015年ミハイ・エミネスク国際詩祭(クラヨバ、ルーマニア)、2019年プリマ・ヴィスタ国際文学祭(タルトゥ・エストニア)に招待参加。翻訳: 国内外の現代詩人作品を翻訳。JUNPA BOOKS シリーズを手がける。受賞歴:『御名を唱えて』(原著 Gabriel Rosenstock"Uttering Her Name")2012年アイルランド文学交流協会より翻訳出版賞を受賞。『弾丸シュート』(原著 Odveig Klyve の Ballistic)は2019NORLANorwegean Literature Abroad) ノルウェー海外文学協会より翻訳助成に採択される。 国際賞2017年セルビア、パンノニアン・ゲレブ詩祭出版賞を受賞。2018年オーストリア・ウィーン国際文学祭ミロシュ・ツルニャンスキー賞、ナジ・ナーマン文学賞(名誉賞)、イタリアのグイド・ゴッツアーノ賞(審査員特別賞)、ヨーロッパ科学芸術文学アカデミー国際詩賞2020  他受賞。

Laskiaf Amortegui, Colombia

"La Luna"





La luna se sumerge entre la noche,

mi lengua en medio de tu boca.

Las nubes danzan alrededor de ella,

mis manos en tu cintura.

Los poetas se inspiran al verla,

mi lengua se inspira al lamerte.

Ellos, escriben versos inmortales a través del tiempo para ella,

mi libidinosa pluma encarnada desea escribir un poema sobre tu ombligo, y llegar a lo más íntimo de tu ser.

Los poetas sueñan despiertos al observarla imponente, resplandeciente y segura de sí,

mis ojos deliran al ver tu piel sudorosa y atrayente, con mis huellas sobre ti.

Todos aman a la luna, y como no amarla, si es la diosa cómplice de la noche.

Sí, ella, ¡la luna!, despeja y alumbra, la senda que me lleva a ti.


Laskiaf Amortegui





Nacionalidad: Colombiana
Las letras junto con su familia son sus amores y pasiones para afrontar cada reto existencial. Autora de “La Jaula De Las Mariposas”, de tinte dramático. Cuenta la historia de cinco mujeres  y su entorno. A la hora de escribir se enfrenta a su mayor rival: su dislexia, pero al final, si no fuera por ella, no sería escritora, y a su mentor que la animó a publicar, sus letras que le han dado triunfos a nivel internacional.

Yuleisy Cruz Lezcano, Cuba/Italy

"Esta luna"


Esta luna


Mi amor es esta luna sin estrellas

que el sol, las nubes, el aguacero


Mi amor son estas sombras nocturnas

que reducen a límites menores

mi mirada, mi voz y mi memoria.

Mi amor es esta luna sin estrellas,

esta noche que me cuenta historias

cuando es noche la cama

y el silencio envuelve mi cabeza

que se niega a caminar

con los pies del mundo.

Mi amor es esta luna que se equilibra

con los eclipses que coronan la línea

donde se extiende inquebrantable

el fuego del sol que apaga la oscuridad.

Mi amor es esta luna que se va

para que yo la desee

con impaciencia.


Questa luna


Il mio amore è questa luna senza stelle

che il sole, le nuvole, l'acquazzone


Il mio amore sono queste ombre notturne

che riducono ai limiti minori

il mio sguardo, la mia voce e la mia memoria.

Il mio amore è questa luna senza stelle

questa notte che mi racconta storie

quando è notte il letto

e il silenzio circonda la mia testa

che si rifiuta di camminare

con i piedi del mondo.

Il mio amore è questa luna che si equilibra

con le eclissi che coronano la linea

dove si diffonde indistruttibile

il fuoco del sole che spegne le tenebre.

Il mio amore è questa luna che se ne va

perché io la desideri con impazienza.



Yuleisy Cruz Lezcano





Yuleisy Cruz Lezcano

Born in Cuba, she lives in Marzabotto (Bo). In Italy from the age of 18, she has achieved a Doctor in Biological Science with a Masters Degree in Nursing and Obstetrics. She has written 18 books, the last one is “Di un’altra voce sarà la paura”, Leonida Edizioni, 2024.




"Distance Poem"






Distance from the eyes of the sun

 Body naked, wears only the inspiration of a clothed word and dances drunk

 in the time-consuming ones

hallucinations of the dream…

Distance, loneliness

from their window

letters of pain

Distant letters

Letters thrown away

 on silent journeys

of your hidden quests

on the shipwrecked ships of the past...


joy forgotten

in the cupboards

of vigilant luck

Far away from the border

of the search for self…

Escape to distance

breath from today

With the same distance

he drowns in his tears…the ghost of ..hate









Petros Kyriakou Veloudas was born in Agrinio in 1977, where he still lives today. He graduated in Greek Culture from the School of Humanities of the Open University of Greece in Patras. He has worked as a radio producer in local radio stations, while publishing his poems or humorous stories in the newspapers of the city of Agrinio such as MACHITIS, ANANGELIA, PALMOS.
He is a kindergarten teacher and works as a private employee. Today he is a member of the International Society of Greek Writers (DEEL). His literary work is included in the Panhellenic poetic encyclopedia of CHARIS PATSIS. He is a member of the International Society of Greek Writers (DEEL), executive director of the poets’ union in Argentina, academic poet at the poetry academy in Brazil-AMCL, member of the WORLD UNION OF POETS, WRITERS UNION,WORLD UNION OF POETS , GREEK AMBASSADOR POET OF EQUALITY IN BANGLADESH . His poems are translated into many languages, he is also.lyricist. His songs are on youtube. Hobbies , reader and creator comics, amateure actor.



Kim Nam-Kwon, Korea

"The moon is waning"


The moon is waning


My shoulders are always slanted

When Mom carries me on her back and sets out on her way,

I try to smell her scent on her shoulder

All the while, I am digging into her heart.

Her shoulders tilt upwards,

Mine slant to the left.

The flowers lean,

The wind leans,

As if the sky itself had tilted.

Now, I wait

Until a red dot disappears from the western sky,

Until the moon's warmth hides within the morning glory.

You, a bright star,

on the other side of the moon,

Becoming the flow of water that passed through my past life.

Until the slope of love towards me ends,

Send me to you,

Send you to me.


Kim Nam-Kwon 





Poet Mr. Kim Nam-Kwon is a Korean author and poet. Born in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-do of South Korea in 1961. He is President of The Korea poet literature Association and CEO of The Culture Arts Creative Academy. Presidential Library recommend his poetry book.
He published 14 books. 10 poetry books and 4 poetry books for children.

Lee Hee Kuk, Korea





Light quietly knocks on the window

The moonlight,

Whose warm hand sent it?


Hanging in the air all night

A lamp brightening the dark road

Whose warm heart does it belong to?


Tossing and turning, trying to soothe sleep

That warm touch,

Who sent this love?


With a promise to always stay there

Even those who are far away,

Together we look up to you.


Pushing away the darkness,

There you are, smiling brightly

The world blooms like a flower.


Here or there, all of us,

We live and die in your embrace.


Lee Hee Kuk





Poet Mr. Lee Hee Kuk is a Korean poet. Born in Seoul city of South Korea. He is Pharmacist and Adjunct Professor of College of Pharmacy, The Catholic University of Korea. He is a member of Executive of PEN Korean Center of PEN International. He published 5 poetry books. He won 4 Literature awards

Choi Dae-Seoung, Korea

"Crescent Moon"


Crescent Moon 


Hosta plantaginea were blooming next to cockscombs,

Dyeing their white purity red.

Did they desire to merge as one?

I'm unsure what they conversed about.

As dusk fell, a gentle wind stirred,

And a narrow-eyed moon floating in the western sky.

Cease pretending.

The moon beamed a smile.

Sprinkle the scent of flowers into the clouds

As it silently dissipated.

Under the eyebrow moon that I just looked at

There was a love that never faded

There existed a love that never waned.


Choi, Dae-Seoung





Poet Mr. Choi, Dae-Seoung was born in Seoul and made his literary debut in 2013 with "Munyesajo" He is a member of the Korean Literary Association and the vice president of the Buddhist Literary Writers Association. He has received three literary awards, and his poetry collections "Standing by the River Endless" and "Memories of Innocence" have been published. 

Rupsingh Bhandari, Nepal

"Moon and Me"


Moon and Me


Shepherding stars

Moon cries alone over the sky

I also cry shepherding my dreams


We are alone.


Moon reflects the sun’s glory

I reflect for other’s glory

We are empty reflectors.


The moon changes as the

Days change

I also need to change myself

As other’s desires

We are purely changeable



Whenever I see the moon

I mirror myself. 


Rupsingh Bhandari





Rupsingh Bhandari was born in 1982. He is a poet, critic, editor, translator, and social activist from Karnali province of Nepal. He has completed his M. ED, M.A, and M.Phil. degree in English from Tribhuvan University. He writes in English, Nepali and Hindi. Published several poems, articles, and short stories and translates poems and stories. He is the author of Conscience’s Quantum poetry book. He served as editor of the International Anthology of Pandemic Poetry 2020. International Trilingual Anthology of Friendship Poems 2024.  His creations are world-widely anthologized and published. He is a founder of Words Highway International (Writers Association). He does painting and music, loves to travel 

Eftichia Kapardeli (Ευτυχία Καπαρδέλη), Greece




Ταξίδεψα με τα

ροδοπέταλα στις

λίμνες του ονείρου

σημάδεψα την καρδιά μου

με ασπασμούς ζωής

λόγια γλυκά αντάλλαξα

για την ειρήνη

για την καλοσύνη

στις μικρές δροσερές σπηλιές


το περίγραμμα του φεγγαριού

και εκεί που γέρνει η γη

την ξεχασμένη πόλη



Όταν ήρθαν οι μέλισσες

γέμισε ο αγέρας τρυφερές

ρόδινες συντροφιές

στην γραμμή του λόφου

πάνω από τους μυλόλιθους

στο παγερό τοπίο

στο λευκό σύννεφο

στον ουρανό της ψυχής

χρυσόφτερη Ίριδα

                                                           με καλεί




I traveled with the

the rose petals to

the lakes of dream

I marked my heart

with life's embrace

I exchanged sweet words

For peace

For kindness

In the cool little caves

I followed

The outline of the moon

And where the earth tilts

The forgotten city

I said goodbye


When the bees came

The wind filled the air with tender

rosy companionship

On the line of the hill

Above the millstones

In the frosty landscape

on the white cloud

in the sky of the soul

Golden Iris

 calls me


Eftichia Kapardeli




 Eftichia Kapardeli lives in Patras. She writes poetry, stories, short stories, haiku, essays. She has studied journalism too A.K.E.M. and has many awards in national competitions. She has many national and international anthologies to her credit. She is a member of the World Poets’ society and poetas del mundo , member of the IWA, member of Ε.Ε.Λ.Σ.Π.Η The Union of Greek Writers-Authors of the Five Continents , member of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF GREEK LITERATURES-ARTISTS-DEEL https://somateiodeel.blogspot.com/ and PEL (the world association of writers in Greece) Panhellenic Union of Writers
