Haiku - Haiga - Shahai - Gogyoshi - Picture Poems

Haiku (俳句) is a type of short form poetry originally from Japan. Traditional Japanese haiku consist of three phrases composed of 17 phonetic units (called on in Japanese, which are similar to syllables) in a 5, 7, 5 pattern.


Haiga (俳画, haikai drawing) is a style of Japanese painting that incorporates the aesthetics of haikai.

Haiga are typically painted by haiku poets (haijin), and often accompanied by a haiku poem. 

Shahai is a haiga where the picture is a photographic image. There are different styles of making Shahai.


Gogyoshi (五行詩) is a style of Japanese poem that consists of a title and five lines.


(source: Wikipedia)

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual haiku/haiga is copyrighted - 

Tous droits réservés


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni haiku/haiga appartiene ad ogni singolo autore


published in order of arrival

pubblicati in ordine di arrivo

publiés par ordre d'arrivée

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni & Andrea Vanacore, Italy





Barbara Anna Gaiardoni&Andrea Vanacore alias gaia&vana are finalists of the Edinburgh “Writings Leith” contest. Barbara earned her spot on the Haiku Euro Top 100 list for 2023 and on The Mainichi’s Haiku in English Best 2023. Her Japanese-style poems has been published in one hundred and thirty international journals. Andrea Vanacore is a visionary photographer&videomaker. Barbara Anna & Andrea are life partners in Verona City (Italy).



Taro Aizu, Japan

"THE FULL MOON"  (Gogyoshi)



Looking up
At the full moon,
I imagine
You also looking up
In the night sky.

Taro Aizu




Taro Aizu was born in Aizu, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. He published World Gogyoshi book titled, ”The Lovely Earth(3)” in 2022 and “What’s World Gogyoshi?” in 2023. He isn’t a founder of Gogyoshi but an introducer of Gogyoshi. He spreads it all over the world by publishing an anthology of World Gogyoshi every year.


Gabriella Mercuri, Italy



Gabriella Mercuri. Poetessa  e artista, giurata in diversi premi letterari. Prende parte a dialoghi e tavole rotonde sui “Piaceri della scrittura e della lettura“, rivolto ai ragazzi delle scuole medie, e a manifestazioni come “Piccoli Poeti” dove alunni delle elementari si cimentano nello scrivere poesie.

Da sempre appassionata di lettura e scrittura, nascono così le sue poesie, incalzano nei pensieri come onde tra le ore del tempo.

Nel 2018 nasce “Graffiti lunari” (Youcanprint), "una filigrana di emozioni che fanno da guida ai pensieri" https://www.amazon.it/Graffiti-lunari-Gabriella-Mercuri-ebook/dp/B07GSHP4Z1

Caroline Gill, UK

"Mångata" (Moon Road)





Caroline Gill (UK). Poetry publications from The Seventh Quarry Press: (1.) Driftwood by Starlight (2021, collection) and (2.) The Holy Place (2012, chapbook shared with John Dotson and published with Cross-Cultural Communications).  www.carolinegillpoetry.com

Driftwood by Starlight by Caroline Gill, published June 2021, available from The Seventh Quarry Press

Antonia Petrone, USA/Italy



Antonia Petrone was born and grew up in the United States. She now  lives in Italy and works as an English language teacher, interpreter and voice actress.

She has published three poetry collections of her own in both English and Italian. She is inspired by nature, love and romantic era poets. Her favorite is Emily Dickinson.

She is following a special poetry project for the blind and the visually  impaired.

Her dreams lie within the fertile grounds of nature untouched by humanity.

Noris Roberts, Venezuela

“She even dresses pink”

"The Lonely Moon"




Noris Roberts (Venezuela). Soy abogada, poeta y escritora venezolana. He sido publicada en una multitud de revistas literarias, en antologías de poesía y algunos de mis artículos fueron publicados en periódicos.

Publiqué seis poemarios que pueden leerse gratuitamente. (https://fliphtml5.com/homepage/jwxyt)

Mis poemas y artículos han sido traducidos al inglés, francés, italiano, portugués, rumano y árabe. Tengo tres sitios web: De Letra en Letra, Palabras Pinceladas y Poemas y Más. Tengo un canal en YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@NorisRoberts) donde algunos de mis poemas son leídos o cantados por personas de muchos países e idiomas.


Fui nombrada Embajadora de la Paz por el Cercle Universel de la Paix en representación de Venezuela; recibí el Premio Literario Naji Naaman y nombrada miembro honorario de la Maison Naaman pour la Culture; Soy Consul de la Asociación de Escritores y Artistas de la Orbe «ASEALDO» y miembro honorario de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Poetas «ASOLAPO».

Stanley H. Barkan, USA


Tohu vaBohu:

A flickering of His thought—

spark out of the dark.






Stanley H. Barkan (USA), editor-publisher of Cross-Cultural Communications, has published

some 500 titles in 50 different languages. His own work, translated into 31 languages, has

been published in 31 collections.


Amita Sanghavi, Oman

Haiku on the MOON



That big silver moon,

Playing hide and seek,

Confusing the hares.



In my heart our moons,

Our times together buried,

Like the squirrel’s nuts.


As a moon forlorn,

My heart so lonely, so torn,

Two swans I envy.


You  are my moon,

You said, and then abandoned.

Me, the moon heaves sighs.


Amita Sanghavi





Amita Sanghavi teaches English at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. She holds MA (Eng Lit )from Mumbai University, M.Phil (English) and B.ed and her second MA (English Language Teaching) from Lancaster University, UK. Her literary journey as a poet has just begun, and with her first book of poems, LAVENDER MEMORIES AND OTHER POEMS launched at the Embassy of India, Oman.

The World Poetry International Canada has honoured her as the Ambassador of Poetry to Oman.

Ariadne Sawyer, founder of World Poetry International along with Richard Doiron, Katherine Gordon and Amita Sanghavi have compiled a new Anthology of Peace Poetry: World Poetry Peaceathon, World Poetry Anthology with contributions in nine languages from 90+ poets, artists, writers, musicians and film makers from 28 countries!

Amita Sanghavi has edited the IMPRESSIONS AND EXPRESSIONS: ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARY POETRY that has some inimitable, versatile poets showcased with 5 to 10 poems in all their moods and styles.

Her new poetry book, ASTAD DEBOO: POETRY IN DANCE is just out.


Amita believes poetry heals the soul and connects readers across borders and boundaries and cultures and communities.

Neal Whitman, California

"Power of Words"

Power of Words
Summer afternoon
I love you!
I have good news.
Tonight is a full moon. 
Neal Whitman 
Neal Whitman lives in Pacific Grove, California, with his wife Elaine. Both  love to read Dylan Thomas whose poetry embodies the power of words. Neal experiments in this poem with the structural element of  counting 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 powerful words.

Gabriel Rosenstock, Ireland

"A haiku by Issa from the year 1792"


A haiku by Issa from the year 1792.


sendô yo shôben muyô nami no tsuki


a bhádóir

ná déan do mhún ar an ngealach

i measc na dtonn!



Gabriel Rosenstock is a bilingual poet, tankaist, haikuist, children's author, novelist

and short story writer. He has recently published two books containing tanka and haiku 

with Kashmiri artist, Masood Hussain:


Niladri Mahajan, Kolkata, India





Moonlit face

I'm awake

Streamlet flows




Crescent moon looms

Ending of September dawn

No-one nowhere




She looks at me here

Even in absence I feel

Black moon in daylight




Stirring sugar cubes

Late moon dissolves

Azaan at 4 A. M.




Farmers arriving at

Opaque dawn in moon light

Nostalgia of Mirhati


Niladri Mahajan, Kolkata, India




 Niladri Mahajan, Kolkata, India

International award winning poet, author of two poetry books- "A Diffused Room" and “Aura of Light”, a counselling psychologist, Niladri Mahajan lives in Kolkata, India. His poems are translated into French, Arabic, Polish, Bengali, Japanese, Greek, Mandarin, Bosnian, Soha, Uzbek, Swedish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, Macedonian, and Italian. He is a PhD student in Bioinformatics of Calcutta University and is trained in Classical music. He  participated in 15 group painting and photography exhibitions in recent past, and active as a street photographer, watercolour artist, loves to do long afternoon walks, scuba diving and gliding.


Yuray Tolentino Hevia, Cuba

"Gogyoshi a la Luna"


Gogyoshi a la Luna


Hoy la luna duerme bajo mi almohada

he robado al cielo su luz para alumbrar mis tristezas

y tener con quién compartir el vino que esperando...

una gran fecha se puso viejo entre los poemas

que maldigo haberte escrito.

"Haiku a la luna"


Haiku a la Luna


Luna lo sabe

odio caminar sola

bajo tu sombra.




Yuray Tolentino Hevia (Güira de Melena, 1975 Cuba). Escritora. Premio Internacional “Tulliola – Renato Filippelli”, 2020, Italia. Tiene 5 libros de poesía y uno de crónicas de arte publicado, incluida en más de 50 antologías, revistas y periódicos de Cuba y el mundo.

Maurizio Brancaleoni, Italy

Haiku sulla luna ~ Moon Haiku


notte: m'affaccio

immobile nel chiar di

luna un gatto...



night – I look out

motionless in the

moonlight a cat



quasi trafitta

dalle antenne sui tetti

la luna piena



almost pierced

by the antennas on the roofs

the full moon



luna al tramonto:

mentre spazzo il terrazzo

autopsia di un'ape



moon at sunset —

while sweeping the terrace

bee autopsy



cresce in cenere

sottile falce ardente

stronzo di luna



growing into ash

thin glowing sickle

moon turd



sonnecchia luna

versando lattea aura:

metà d'agosto



napping moon

spills opalescent shine –




occhio sinistro:

luna dietro le sbarre

destro: libera



left eye open –

moon behind bars

right eye – free



luna di tre dì:

i panni stesi

gocciano sulla terra



three-day moon –

the hanging clothes

drip on the earth



smuore la luce:

il rosa nelle nubi

e lo spicchio di luna



the light dies away –

the pink in the clouds

and the moon sickle



a un passo dalla

luna crescente:

tortora sull'antenna



a step away

from the waxing moon —

turtle dove on the antenna



vento d'estate:

la luna corre

tra le nuvole



summer wind —

the moon runs

among the clouds



la faccia della luna

all'interno della mia bocca



the face of the moon

inside my mouth



 Maurizio Brancaleoni 





Poeta, traduttore e artista, Maurizio Brancaleoni ha pubblicato poesie, haiku, racconti, pastiche e illustrazioni in riviste e antologie sia italiane che internazionali. Gestisce un blog bilingue con traduzioni, interviste e recensioni: https://leisurespotblog.blogspot.com/p/interviste-e-recensioni-interviews-and.html Ha anche un profilo su DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/maurizi0brancale0ni/gallery



Poet, translator and artist, Maurizio Brancaleoni has had poems, haiku, short stories, pastiches and illustrations published in both Italian and international journals and anthologies. He runs a bilingual blog with translations, interviews and reviews: https://leisurespotblog.blogspot.com/p/interviste-e-recensioni-interviews-and.html He also has a profile on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/maurizi0brancale0ni/gallery

Lidia Chiarelli, Italy

Moon Haiku


Luna di marzo

D’argento i petali

Dei nuovi fiori



Rabbiosa luna

Con il vento d’aprile

Graffi di luce



Raggi lunari

Accendono il lago

Sogni d’inverno



Luna dell’ovest

Riflessi metallici

Notti d’estate




Lampioni e la luna

Notti oscure




Lidia Chiarelli (Turin, Italy). Writer, artist, translator, founder with Aeronwy Thomas of the literary-art movement Immagine & Poesia  (2007). Six nominations for the Pushcart Prize (USA). Awarded with the Literary Arts Medal (NY) 2020. Sahitto International Grand Jury Award 2021. Coordinator of DylanDay in Italy.

Her poems are translated in many languages and published in several countries around the world. https://lidiachiarelli.jimdofree.com/

Haiku dialettali di Donatella Nardin




Iùna e stee-

el pòco visìbie

de el’invisìbie


Luna e stelle-

il poco visibile




Iùne de april-

a coeoràr i cei

pensieri ixìeri


Lune di aprile-

a colorare i cieli

pensieri leggeri



E iùne amàe-

rosapevàre ea iùxe

drio e rive


Le lune amate-

rosapepe la luce

lungo le rive



Iùne veàe-

ne’el oltraténpo xè viva

ea to prexènça


Lune velate-

nell’oltretempo è viva

la tua presenza




Donatella Nardin è un’autrice pluripremiata e pubblicata in numerose Antologie, siti web, riviste e blog letterari, anche stranieri. Molte sue poesie sono state tradotte in inglese, francese, spagnolo, polacco, romeno e arabo. In poesia ha pubblicato otto sillogi, tra cui la recente raccolta di haiku Ixòe de aria / Isole d’aria, Fara Ed. in cui compaiono le opere qui presenti.