ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Each individual image is copyrighted


TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. Il copyright di ogni immagine appartiene

ad ogni singolo artista


The artworks are published in order of arrival

Opere pubblicate in ordine di arrivo

R. Gopakumar, India

"The Raging Moon"

Artist: R. Gopakumar

Title: The Raging Moon

Medium: Digital Art

Year: 2024

Not for the proud man apart

From the raging moon, I write

On these spindrift pages...


Dylan Thomas

From "In my Craft or Sullen Art"

Deaths and Entrances, 1946



R. Gopakumar (Kerala, India) is an Indian contemporary multidisciplinary artist, Curator and India’s first major digital art collector living and working in Kingdom of Bahrain.

He works in a variety of media, including digital art, motion photography, installation, drawing, painting and print.

He uses art and technology to discuss and expose the environmental, social and political issues of the society.

“I believe the work of art should change the existing visual, intellectual and aesthetic sense and experiment with finding new visual phenomena. “

Nikolinka Nikolova, Bulgaria/Italy

"Grido nella notte"


Olio e malte su tela 


 80x100 cm



Olio e malte su tela

70x100 cm





Nikolinka Nikolova è di nazionalità bulgara, dal 1992 vive e lavora in Italia. E' presidente dell'Associazione “L'Arte Incontra” di Nichelino fondata insieme all'artista Anna Maria Lamberti nel 2014. Dal 2003 partecipa in numerose mostre collettive in tutta Italia e all'estero, ottenendo riconoscimenti e premi.

Ketty La Rosa, Italy

"Luna morente"


acrilici su cartone telato


40 x 50 cm




Ketty La Rosa, è nata a Catania , dal 2004 vive a Verona. Docente, pittrice e poetessa. Artista autodidatta. Nella sua pittura predominano i colori intensi e caldi e la luce e le sue opere sono spesso accompagnate dai suoi versi .Fa parte di diversi gruppi artistici su Facebook e le sue poesie sono state premiate più volte.
Nel 2020 è presente nell'Atlante dell'Arte Contemporanea edito da De Agostini.
Nel 2020 esce il suo primo libro di poesie dove sono presenti anche le sue opere artistiche.
Premiata a vari concorsi con diploma d'onore, menzione d'encomio, diploma artistico e pubblicazione nelle antologie dei Premi.

Loi Nguyen Duc, Vietnam

"Moonlight of communism"


 oil on canvas

160-90 cm




Loi Nguyen Duc is a contemporary Vietnamese artist. Art Communism is one of his favorite subjects to paint. East Asian Communism's fabrication and greed for power, in his opinion, created this civilization demonic and insane, spiraling in circles indefinitely. He was examining classical European artworks depicting The Holy Bible's fight between God, Angels, and Demons and he noticed a remarkable parallel in Vietnamese society.

Loi Nguyen Duc was born in 1981, in Vietnam, where he graduated from the Hanoi Fine Arts University. He exhibited his works in Germany and Vietnam, and one of his paintings was purchased by Hoi An Art Museum.


Rosaria La Rosa, Italy

"Vergine serie Cosmos"


                                                                 olio su tela

                                                                 cm. 50/50




Rosaria La Rosa artista trapanese

Ha frequentato l'istituto d'arte conseguendo il  diploma di  maestro d'arte, prosegue gli studi in accademia di belle arti, si laurea in pittura  con 110 e lode ha  frequentato i corsi di specializzazione di scultura, scenografia, mosaico, successivamente si specializza nella tecnica dell'iperrealismo.

Attualmente dirige galleria d'arte L'urlo di Rosaria di Trapani.

Ilham Badreddine Mahfouz, USA/Syria

"The Moon"


acrylic on canvas


 8/10 inches




Ilham Badreddine Mahfouz is an abstract artist Born in Syria, educated and living in USA, Graduate of Eastern Michigan University B.F.A in Painting & Ceramic , Minor in art History .

Award winning artist , recipient of Leonardo Da Vinci Award Borghese Palace February 6-2021 Italy, 50 Artists to invest in Palermo Italy 2021, Segnalati Pinter Gallery Budapest November 2021, Beyond the Borders Golden canvas award October 1- 2021 Korea Republic , Legacy award for teaching art at Pontiac creative art center 2019  Michigan  USA .

 She had 14 Solo Art Exhibits in USA,  she participated in 145 group exhibits in USA & abroad . Her Artworks  are in Museums in USA, Korea Republic & Denmark, published in art books in USA & Europe , Author of “Whispers from the East”.

Sirpa Mononen, Finland/Switzerland

"The dark side of the moon"


inks, acrylic paints, metallic pigments, layered resin on wooden canvas

40x40 cm




Sirpa Mononen - I am a Finnish artist living in Switzerland. My job is to dream and to create new sights and worlds, where we understand each other without words, through imagery language. My aim is the circularisation of «being rootless, yet not alone». 

Mia Barkan, USA





marker on paper

Mia Barkan is an Artist, Art Therapist, Poet and Author of Freya’s Tears, Tea with Nana and My Sacred Circle Mandala Journal, residing with her two daughters on Long Island, NY.  Mia's works have been published and exhibited worldwide.